Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Cleburne, TX 76033
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Cleburne TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Boswell Kaye | 817-558-2100 | 103 Westmeadow Dr | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
Calahan Real Estate | 817-645-9308 | 1200 W Henderson St Ste E | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
Coldwell Banker Bob King Realty | 817-641-9873 | 1647 W Henderson St | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
Commonwealth Land Title Company | 817-641-0766 | 405 N Ridgeway Dr | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
Cowtown Realty | 817-645-3350 | 3028 W Highway 67 | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
Embry Theo Agency | 817-645-2471 | 717 W Wardville St | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
Joe Vasquez Realty | 817-202-9596 | 105 Westmeadow Dr | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
Johnson County Properties | 817-641-6636 | 507 Marengo St | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
Milner Mike & Associates Inc | 817-645-4444 | 401 N Nolan River Rd | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
Norma Boggs Realtors | 817-558-8827 | 806 S Main St | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
Prudential Texas Properties | 817-556-9200 | 110 W Henderson St | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
Re Max of Cleburne | 817-558-1050 | 1601 W Henderson St | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
Re Max Sherri Hamilton | 817-645-7699 | 1238 Wedgewood Dr | Cleburne | TX | 76033 |
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