Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lubbock, TX 79413
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lubbock TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Caprock Church of Christ | 806-795-1861 | 5201 University Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Christ the King Cathedral | 806-792-6168 | 4011 54th St | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Church of Christ Indiana Ave | 806-795-3377 | 6111 Indiana Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Church of Christ Monterey | 806-795-5201 | 3616 58th St | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Church of God | 806-792-9508 | 4320 53rd St | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 806-795-4241 | 3211 58th St | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Endless Love Wedding | 806-771-1919 | 2712 50th St Ste A | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Freedom Fellowship | 806-795-9888 | 6402 Elgin Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
God Centered Church A | 806-797-3379 | 4218 Boston Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Lubbock Baptist Temple | 806-799-8141 | 3215 60th St | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Lubbock International House of Prayer | 806-797-1974 | 4201 Boston Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Memorial Baptist Church | 806-799-8182 | 3017 39th St | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Metropolitan Community Church | 806-792-5562 | 4501 University Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Monterey Baptist Church | 806-799-2115 | 3601 50th St | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
People's Fellowship | 806-799-8912 | 4308 58th St | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Sisters of St Francis | 806-793-0331 | 3316 62nd St | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
South Plains Bible Chapel | 806-795-0014 | 5402 Quaker Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
St Luke's | 806-797-4393 | 3708 45th St | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
St Luke's United Methodist Churc | 806-797-4396 | 3717 44th St | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
Trinity Church | 806-792-3363 | 7002 Canton Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79413 |
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