Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lubbock, TX 79414
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lubbock TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Armour of Light Ministries | 806-791-5540 | 3503 Raleigh Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
Bethany Baptist Church | 806-799-2464 | 4402 40th St | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
College Heights Baptist Church | 806-792-4196 | 4601 39th St | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
Covenant Presbyterian Church | 806-792-6124 | 4600 48th St | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
Faith Assembly of God | 806-799-3489 | 5212 39th St | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
Lubbock Korean Baptist Church | 806-784-0040 | 4424 35th St | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
New Testament Baptist Church | 806-795-9932 | 4401 37th St | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
Quaker Ave Missionary Baptist Church | 806-799-6159 | 4405 51st St | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
Temple Baptist Church | 806-795-5245 | 5413 38th St | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
Wayne Avenue Baptist Church | 806-799-4305 | 5505 Wayne Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
West Texas District Council of Asse | 806-792-5835 | 5504 Wayne Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
Westmont Christian Church | 806-795-2555 | 4808 Utica Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
Westmoreland Baptist Church | 806-795-5866 | 5605 46th St | Lubbock | TX | 79414 |
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