Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lubbock, TX 79424
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lubbock TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bergenthal Guy R | 806-794-4203 | 5812 73rd St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 806-794-4006 | 5301 82nd St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Celebration Christian Center | 806-798-2430 | 8001 Upland Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Christian Life Assembly of God | 806-794-6655 | 5917 66th St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 806-698-8396 | 5902 71st St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 806-798-1667 | 7014 Frankford Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Church on the Rock | 806-798-7990 | 10503 Slide Rd | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Cornerstone Bible Church | 806-783-9551 | 7915 Iola Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Faith Baptist Church | 806-798-1001 | 6002 66th St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
First Church of the Nazarene | 806-794-1675 | 6110 Chicago Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Holy Spirit Catholic Church | 806-698-6400 | 9821 Frankford Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Hope Lutheran Church & School Missouri | 806-798-2747 | 5700 98th St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Lakeridge Baptist Church | 806-771-0514 | 4601 82nd St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Lakeridge United Methodist Churc | 806-794-4015 | 4701 82nd St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Live Oak Community Church | 806-798-5583 | 10710 Frankford Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Lubbock Bible Church | 806-794-2662 | 6007 66th St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Monterey Church of Christ | 806-771-1148 | 6111 82nd St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Released Time Christian Education | 806-791-1358 | 5843 49th St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Saint Andrew Greek Orthodox Church | 806-798-1828 | 6001 81st St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Second Baptist Church | 806-783-0202 | 6109 Chicago Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Slide Baptist Church | 806-863-2137 | 5401 166th St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
South Plains Church of Christ | 806-794-3594 | 6802 Elkhart Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Southside Church of Christ | 806-794-5008 | 8501 Quaker Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
The Springs Fellowship | 806-795-3885 | 7302 Upland Ave | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
Victory Life Baptist Church Administ | 806-698-6553 | 5202 124th St | Lubbock | TX | 79424 |
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