Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in New Caney, TX 77357
* Each listing below of Churches Information for New Caney TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church Sbc | 281-689-3958 | 23307 Roberts Rd | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Bethel Baptist Church Sbc | 281-689-3958 | 23307 Roberts Rd | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Country Baptist Church | 281-354-1225 | 21233 Louis Ln | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Country Baptist Church | 281-354-1225 | 21233 Louis Ln | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Discalced Carmelite Nuns | 281-399-0270 | 1100 Parthenon Pl | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Discalced Carmelite Nuns | 281-399-0270 | 1100 Parthenon Pl | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
East River Baptist Church | 281-399-3030 | Fm 1485 | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
East River Baptist Church | 281-399-3030 | Fm 1485 | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Faith Family Church | 281-399-3737 | 21254 Loop 494 | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Faith Family Church | 281-399-3737 | 21254 Loop 494 | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Forestwood Baptist Church | 281-399-1717 | 2431 Roman Forest Blvd | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Forestwood Baptist Church | 281-399-1717 | 2431 Roman Forest Blvd | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Hilton Sutton World Ministries | 281-689-1260 | 2434 Roman Forest Blvd | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Hilton Sutton World Ministries | 281-689-1260 | 2434 Roman Forest Blvd | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Iglesia Baptista La Hermosa | 281-689-0645 | Roberts Rd | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Iglesia Baptista La Hermosa | 281-689-0645 | Roberts Rd | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Peach Creek Baptist Church | 281-399-9025 | 25963 Fm 1485 Rd | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Peach Creek Baptist Church | 281-399-9035 | 1485 Highway 59 N | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Peach Creek Baptist Church | 281-399-9025 | 25963 Fm 1485 Rd | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Peach Creek Baptist Church | 281-399-9035 | 1485 Highway 59 N | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Praise Center Christian Academy | 281-399-2654 | 22912 Antique Ln | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
Praise Center Christian Academy | 281-399-2654 | 22912 Antique Ln | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
The Little Country Church | 281-354-2656 | 656 Baptist Encampment R | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
The Little Country Church | 281-354-8927 | 22152 Baptist Encampment R | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
The Little Country Church | 281-354-2656 | 656 Baptist Encampment R | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
The Little Country Church | 281-354-8927 | 22152 Baptist Encampment R | New Caney | TX | 77357 |
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