Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Corpus Christi, TX 78401
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Corpus Christi TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alpha Course | 361-884-0391 | 900 S Shoreline Blvd | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
Corpus Christi Baptist Church | 361-882-3613 | 3001 Ih 37 S | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
Door Christian Fellowship The | 361-854-1066 | 1625 Agnes St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd | 361-882-1735 | 700 S Upper Broadway St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
First Presbyterian Church | 361-884-4057 | 430 S Carancahua St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
Iglesia Cristo Viene | 361-883-8450 | 922 Laredo St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
Iglesia Metodista Unida Kelsey Memorial | 361-882-9533 | 1610 Comanche St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
Liberty Baptist Church | 361-242-2033 | 10919 Up River Rd | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
Macedonia Church of Our Lord Jesus Chri | 361-887-7729 | 1916 Winnebago St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
Mount Zion Baptist Church | 361-884-7009 | 1605 Comanche St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
Our Father's House Church | 361-547-6243 | 331 Fm 534 Westside Lk | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
Padre Island Baptist Church Mother's | 361-949-2176 | 14253 Park 22 Rd | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
St John First Baptist Church | 361-882-1257 | 1620 N Port Ave | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
St Matthew Baptist Church | 361-882-4996 | 1101 Waco St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
St Paul Methodist Church | 361-884-7056 | 1202 Sam Rankin St | Corpus Christi | TX | 78401 |
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