Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Amarillo, TX 79101
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Amarillo TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Roast Beef | 806-353-9153 | Westgate Mall | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
Black Stone Cafe | 806-372-7700 | 202 W 10th Ave | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
Boon Docks Bar & Grill | 806-373-3727 | 711 W 10th Ave | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
Burger King | 806-353-2671 | I 40 | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
Canadian River Cafe | 806-383-9641 | 26507 Highway 87-287 | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
Greyhound Lines Inc Food Services | 806-374-1405 | 702 S Tyler St | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
Iron Skillet | 806-372-3682 | I 40 & Lakeside Dr | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
Lone Star Bar & Grill | 806-622-9827 | F M 1151 | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 806-352-4503 | At 45th & Coulter | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 806-376-8358 | At I 40 & Grand | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
Nu-Castle Diner | 806-371-8540 | 518 E 10th Ave | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
Orient Cuisine | 806-372-6011 | 8th & Fillmore | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
Subway Downtown | 806-374-7030 | 112 W 6th Ave | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
The Downstairs | 806-374-6291 | Natl Bank Bldg | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
Waffle House 491 | 806-335-1494 | I 40 & Lakeside Dr E | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
Zen Seven Twenty-One | 806-372-1909 | 614 S Polk St | Amarillo | TX | 79101 |
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