Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Troup, TX 75789
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Troup TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Blackjack Baptist Church | 903-842-2226 | Highway 110 | Troup | TX | 75789 |
Church of Christ | 903-842-4219 | 412 W Duval St | Troup | TX | 75789 |
East New Hope Baptist Church | 903-842-3455 | 19817 County Road 2152 | Troup | TX | 75789 |
First Baptist Church | 903-842-3091 | 935 State Highway 135 S | Troup | TX | 75789 |
First Presbyterian Church | 903-842-2887 | 201 S Carolina St | Troup | TX | 75789 |
First United Methodist Church | 903-842-3320 | 202 E Duval St | Troup | TX | 75789 |
First United Methodist Church Parsonag | 903-842-3531 | 200 S Virginia St | Troup | TX | 75789 |
Freedom of Praise Ministry Church | 903-842-4489 | 211 E Bradford St | Troup | TX | 75789 |
Henry's Chapel United Methodist Churc | 903-842-4200 | 4539 Fm 13 E | Troup | TX | 75789 |
Hope of Glory Apostolic Church Pa of W | 903-842-3050 | 21777 State Highway 135 | Troup | TX | 75789 |
Mary Memorial Church of God Christ | 903-842-4961 | 205 W McKay St | Troup | TX | 75789 |
Mount Rose Baptist Church | 903-842-4862 | 701 S Georgia St | Troup | TX | 75789 |
New Canaan Baptist Church | 903-839-2556 | 18760 County Road 258 | Troup | TX | 75789 |
New Faith Baptist Church | 903-842-3994 | 507 N Powell St | Troup | TX | 75789 |
Sinclair Church of Christ | 903-842-2424 | 20185 Highway 135 | Troup | TX | 75789 |
Union Grove Missionary Baptist Church | 903-842-2590 | 20548 Fm 15 Rd | Troup | TX | 75789 |
West Duval Baptist Church | 903-842-3744 | 105 S Alma St | Troup | TX | 75789 |
Willie Lacy Ministries Lhop | 903-842-4805 | 210 W Duval St | Troup | TX | 75789 |
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