Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Arlington, TX 76010
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Arlington TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aldersgate United Methodist Churc | 817-274-0116 | 2201 E Park Row Dr | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
All Nations Assembly of God Church | 817-795-4770 | 2300 E Park Row Dr | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
American Heritage Church | 817-261-0104 | 613 W Main St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Arlington East Park Church of the N | 817-275-3168 | 2222 E Park Row Dr | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Arlington Urban Ministries | 817-861-8585 | 1721 S Cooper St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Baha'i Faith | 817-275-8222 | 723 E Border St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Baptist Student Center of U T A | 817-277-4195 | 414 S West St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Calvary Chapel of Arlington | 817-860-1558 | 200 W Park Row Dr | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Centerpoint Community Church | 817-274-1962 | 801 S Collins St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Central Baptist Church | 817-274-0593 | 311 E 3rd St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Christ Apostolic Church International M | 817-469-1644 | 133 Luttrell St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Christian Campus Center at Uta | 817-274-0383 | 405 W 1st St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Christian Day School | 817-274-1654 | 308 W Park Row Dr | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Ferguson Arch L Foundation | 817-460-1841 | 601 E Abram St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
First Baptist Church | 817-277-6353 | 300 S Center St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
First Christian | 817-277-2634 | 910 S Collins St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
First Presbyterian Church Arlingto | 817-274-4051 | 1200 S Collins St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Good Shepherd United Methodist Churc | 817-275-1033 | 2020 S Collins St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Grace Community Church | 817-460-8759 | 312 College St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Grace Lutheran | 817-274-1626 | 210 W Park Row Dr | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Greater Community Mbc | 817-860-0363 | 126 E Park Row Dr | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Highland Baptist Church | 817-277-6721 | 415 New York Ave | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Iglesia Antioquia | 817-276-8276 | 1700 New York Ave | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Intercessors International | 817-261-1385 | 1701 Martin Luther Dr | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Linc | 817-226-5462 | 311 College St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Lutheran Church Elca | 817-274-5111 | 1708 Herschel St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Meadow Lane Baptist Church | 817-274-2581 | 1901 Meadow Ln | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Mills Paul R | 817-265-8793 | 306 Ditto Ave | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Nations Worship Center | 817-226-2559 | 801 E Pioneer Pkwy | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
South Asia Native | 817-557-9797 | 621 W Main St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
South Center Baptist Church | 817-860-2588 | 2109 S Center St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
The Door Christian Center | 817-460-3470 | 1709 S Cooper St | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
Wesley Foundation The | 817-274-6282 | 311 Uta Blvd | Arlington | TX | 76010 |
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