Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Crowley, TX 76036
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Crowley TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Baptist Church of Crowley | 817-297-1417 | 724 Fm 1187 W | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
Christian Family Life Baptist Church | 817-297-8844 | 10217 N Crowley Rd | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
Crossroads Baptist Church | 817-297-6955 | 9321 W Cleburne Rd | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
Crowley Assembly of God | 817-297-1521 | 721 S Crowley Rd | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
Crowley Church of Christ | 817-297-1580 | 1400 Bean Dr | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
Crowley United Methodist Pre S | 817-297-1485 | 509 Peach St | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
Deer Creek Community Fellowship | 817-297-6009 | 121 S Texas St | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
First Baptist Church of Crowley | 817-297-4347 | 400 S Eagle Dr | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
First Church of the Nazarene of for | 817-297-7003 | 2001 E Main St | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
First Presbyterian Church in Crowl | 817-297-4950 | 209 N Beverly St | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
Open Door Ministries | 817-297-6911 | 10401 Fm 1902 | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
Pleasantview Baptist Church | 817-297-1324 | 405 S Beverly St | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
Rock Creek Baptist Church | 817-297-1279 | 2009 Rock Creek Rd | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
Savelle Jerry Ministries | 817-297-3155 | 10255 W Cleburne Rd | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
South Central Church of Christ | 817-297-0999 | 1516 Highway 1187 | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
Victory Baptist Church | 817-297-3750 | 10425 Fm 1902 | Crowley | TX | 76036 |
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