Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Keller, TX 76248
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Keller TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bear Creek Bible Church | 817-479-0217 | 1555 N Tarrant Pkwy | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Chapel Assembly of God | 817-431-9888 | 4101 Golden Triangle Blvd | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Church of God | 817-379-0437 | 880 N Main St | Keller | TX | 76248 |
First Baptist Church Keller | 817-431-2545 | 225 Keller Pkwy | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Gluchoski Al Ministries | 817-431-6146 | 525 Eagle Trl | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Gott Michael | 817-337-0773 | 951 Rufe Snow Dr | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Heritage Church of Christ | 817-741-0499 | 4201 Heritage Trace Pkwy | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Hillside Community Church | 817-379-1052 | 9915 Ray White Rd | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Huebel Glen Rev | 817-431-2345 | 1308 Whitley Rd | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Life Church | 817-284-9331 | 2040 Willis Ln | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Light of the World Lutheran Church | 817-750-0444 | 8750 Old Denton Rd | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Met Center The | 817-337-4900 | 129 Pecan St | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Mt Gilead Baptist Church | 817-431-1410 | 1350 Bancroft Rd | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Northeast Baptist Church | 817-431-2289 | 1000 Davis Blvd | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Northridge Baptist Church | 817-379-0115 | 11910 Old Denton Rd | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Northwood Church for the Communities | 817-656-8150 | 1870 Rufe Snow Dr | Keller | TX | 76248 |
San Pedro Church of Christ | 210-822-3305 | 311 Jackson | Keller | TX | 76248 |
St Martin in the Fields | 817-431-2396 | 223 S Pearson Ln | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Total Eye Care | 817-431-4900 | 1834 Keller Pkwy | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Twin Oaks Baptist Church | 817-431-9030 | 1301 S Main St | Keller | TX | 76248 |
Westwind Church | 817-428-6775 | 1300 Sarah Brooks Dr | Keller | TX | 76248 |
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