Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Watauga, TX 76148
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Watauga TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Family Church | 817-514-9122 | 6800 Denton Hwy | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
Body of Christ Evangelical Fai | 817-656-8057 | 5716 Linda Dr | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
Christian Sports International H | 817-498-4312 | 6052 Hillcrest Dr | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
First Baptist Church Haltom City | 817-281-5106 | 5800 Denton Hwy | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
First Church Baptist Watauga | 817-281-0934 | 6124 Plum St | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
First United Methodist Church Watauga | 817-485-0312 | 6112 Watauga Rd | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
Harvest Baptist Church | 817-656-3256 | 7200 Denton Hwy | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
Islamic Association of Fort Worth | 817-605-0863 | 6001 Chapman Rd | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
Jubilee Baptist Church | 817-788-0828 | 6500 Denton Hwy | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
New Hope Church | 817-605-7445 | 5825 Watauga Rd | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
Northside Church of the Nazarene | 817-485-5526 | 6750 Denton Hwy | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
Victory Tabernacle Holiness Church | 817-514-9645 | 5761 Watauga Rd | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
Zion Lutheran Church | 817-427-2909 | 6416 Watauga Rd | Watauga | TX | 76148 |
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