Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Abilene, TX 79603
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Abilene TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ambler Baptist Church | 325-673-1998 | 2150 Park Ave | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Bethel Temple Christian Center | 325-677-9720 | 3101 N 12th St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Bethel United Methodist Church | 325-673-1575 | 1333 Westmoreland St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Bethel United Methodist Church | 325-673-2166 | 1409 Westmoreland St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 325-672-6313 | 1165 Minter Ln | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Christ's Church of Abilene | 325-672-2908 | 2302 Old Anson Rd | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Church of Christ | 325-673-6776 | 3185 N 10th St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Church of Christ | 325-677-7982 | 1141 N Willis St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 325-690-6333 | 3325 N 12th St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Church of the Nazarene Trinity | 325-677-7917 | 3302 State St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
College View Baptist Church | 325-672-6696 | 2042 Anderson St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Crescent Heights Baptist Church | 325-677-3749 | 1902 N Mockingbird Ln | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Elmcrest Baptist Church | 325-673-3734 | 517 N Pioneer Dr | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Episcopal Church of St Mark | 325-677-1471 | 3150 Vogel St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Epworth United Methodist Churc | 325-677-6967 | 1102 N Willis St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Fountaingate | 325-672-6151 | 3434 N 6th St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Galilee Baptist Church | 325-676-5522 | 1011 Briarwood St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Holiday Hills Daycare & Child Developme | 325-692-6681 | 5309 Capitol Ave | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Minter Lane Church of Christ | 325-677-8611 | 2502 Minter Ln | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Miracle Independent Baptist Church | 325-673-5226 | 2050 Forrest Ave | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
North Side Baptist Church | 325-673-6243 | 2474 Westwood Dr | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Oakland Drive Church of Christ | 325-672-1337 | 2702 Forrest Ave | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Second Baptist Church | 325-677-3087 | 901 Victoria St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 325-673-0541 | 135 Shelton St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
St Vincent Pallotti Catholic Church | 325-672-1794 | 2525 Westview Dr | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Templo Buenas Nuevas | 325-672-1107 | 1164 Minter Ln | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 325-673-4796 | 871 Woodlawn Dr | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
Valley View Missionary Baptist Church | 325-672-3985 | 3564 Clinton St | Abilene | TX | 79603 |
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