Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in San Angelo, TX 76901
* Each listing below of Churches Information for San Angelo TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alpha & Omega Full Gospel Church | 325-944-1010 | 2929 Waco St | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Angelo Bible Church | 325-949-9679 | 3506 Sherwood Way | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Beacon Baptist Church Aba | 325-949-3991 | 3822 Mercedes St | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Berean Baptist Church | 325-659-1677 | 8151 US Highway 87 N | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Central Faith Baptist Church | 325-949-4186 | 2460 Jomar St | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Church of Christ Johnson St | 325-658-8775 | 1505 Mackenzie St | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Church of Christ Johnson St | 325-653-4820 | 1507 Mackenzie St | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Church of Pentecost | 325-944-2977 | 2028 Edmund Blvd | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Dove Creek Baptist Church | 325-944-0163 | Fm 2335 | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Edmund Blvd Baptist Church | 325-944-2662 | 1405 Edmund Blvd | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Evangel Temple Assembly of God | 325-949-1033 | 201 Campus Blvd | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
First Assembly of God | 325-942-8519 | 1442 Edmund Blvd | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Grace Temple Baptist Church | 325-949-0713 | 105 Guthrie St | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Grape Creek Baptist Church | 325-653-8761 | 9781 Grape Creek Rd | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Grape Creek United Methodist Churc | 325-658-7246 | 8045 US Highway 87 N | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Hillcrest Baptist Church | 325-949-3003 | 2600 Chestnut St | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Northridge Baptist Church | 325-655-4284 | 2447 W Fm 2105 | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Restitution Revival | 325-655-6161 | 1962 Colorado Ave | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Second Baptist Church | 325-947-1488 | 2833 S Clg Hills Blvd | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Southwest Bible Institute | 325-949-7579 | 3200 San Antonio St | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
St Paul Baptist Church | 325-655-3498 | 1011 Martin Lthr Kng Dr | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
St Paul Presbyterian Church | 325-653-5691 | 11 N Park St | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
West Side Baptist Church | 325-944-1423 | 3922 Arden Rd | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
Word of Life Assembly of God | 325-651-7392 | Highway 87 S | San Angelo | TX | 76901 |
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