Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Grocery Stores in Laredo, TX 78046
* Each listing below of Grocery Stores Information for Laredo TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
C & C Kountry Store | 956-796-0682 | 612 Cadena | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Centeno Grocery & Meat Market | 956-727-4183 | 1427 Centeno Ln | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
El Cenizo Grocery 2 | 956-727-9899 | 602 Valdez | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
El H Evito | 956-724-7342 | 3301 Santa Barbara St | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Elenita's Store | 956-796-0067 | 1216 Espejo Molina Rd | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Garza's Grocery | 956-753-9307 | 1551 Orquidia Ln | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
H-E-B | 956-795-0207 | 2314 S Zapata Hwy | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Kino's Grocery | 956-725-8170 | 1544 Centeno Ln | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Mothers & Infants Nutritional Sto | 956-723-3651 | 1537 Orquidia Ln | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Mothers & Infants Nutritional Sto | 956-723-3663 | 2300 Saltillo St | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Santo Nino Grocery | 956-722-8895 | 1920 S New York Ave | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Toritos Cafe & Grocery | 956-723-1531 | 2719 S Louisiana Ave | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
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