Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Laredo, TX 78043
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Laredo TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church's Fried Chicken | 956-722-6131 | 1702 Guadalupe St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Dairy Queen Stores of Laredo | 956-723-2601 | 1701 Guadalupe St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Danny's Restaurant | 956-726-4491 | 1420 N Malinche Ave | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
El Pollo Feliz | 956-712-2541 | 2601 Market St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Glass Kitchen | 956-722-2562 | 2119 Guadalupe St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Golden Shrimp The | 956-753-3636 | 1302 N Bartlett Ave | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Jack-In-The-Box | 956-712-9116 | 2612 Cortez St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Kika's Restaurant | 956-717-9390 | 3101 Blaine St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
La Siberia | 956-725-7839 | 1217 S Zapata Hwy | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Maluga's | 956-724-7500 | 2721 Loop 20 | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 956-728-7874 | 2320 Bob Bullock Loop | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 956-722-7605 | 2301 Guadalupe St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Paulita's Restaurant No 1 | 956-727-0570 | 2720 N Arkansas Ave | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Paulita's Restaurant No 2 | 956-722-3456 | 4220 Loop 20 | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Raul's Bbq | 956-723-6019 | 2002 Corpus Christi St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Rey Del Taco | 956-791-1111 | 2101 Guadalupe St Ste 6 | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Safari Restaurant | 956-728-9872 | 2520 E Travis St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Stars Drive-In | 956-726-4143 | 1820 Guadalupe St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Taco Palenque | 956-729-7416 | 1920 Guadalupe St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Tacos Villa Del Sol | 956-728-7808 | 2802 Chihuahua St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Tres Salsas Restaurant | 956-712-4074 | 2414 Market St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Wendy's Old Fashion Hamburgers | 956-712-0251 | 2330 Bob Bullock Loop | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Whataburger Store #47 | 956-723-9757 | 2118 Guadalupe St | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
Whataburger Store #741 | 956-712-9889 | 4416 State Highway 359 | Laredo | TX | 78043 |
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