Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Laredo, TX 78046
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Laredo TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Danny's Restaurant | 956-717-3900 | 4450 S Zapata Hwy | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Jack in the Box | 956-724-2793 | 4502 S Zapata Hwy | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
La Palpa Restaurant | 956-724-7476 | 1120 Espejo Molina Rd | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Los Taquitos Del Southside | 956-717-2323 | 1802 S Zapata Hwy | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Mariachi Express | 956-791-1379 | 2604 S Zapata Hwy | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 956-729-1127 | 2502 S Zapata Hwy | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Raul's Bbq | 956-724-4328 | 1820 S Zapata Hwy | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Sonic Drive in | 956-722-6668 | 2001 S Zapata Hwy | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
South-Wen Inc | 956-795-1244 | 2602 S Zapata Hwy | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Super Taco & Snack Bar | 956-712-8422 | 2420 S Milmo Ave | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Taco Los Hueros | 956-725-5669 | 2012 S Malinche | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
Whataburger | 956-722-7100 | 809 Riverhill Dr | Laredo | TX | 78046 |
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