Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Wichita Falls, TX 76309
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Wichita Falls TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Fairview Assembly of God Parsonage | 940-692-7256 | 2611 Baltimore Rd | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
First Assembly of God | 940-691-1020 | 3101 McNiel Ave | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
Floral Heights Church of Christ | 940-322-1650 | 1814 Buchanan St | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
Floral Heights United Methodist Churc | 940-723-7151 | 2214 10th St | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
Fountain of Living Water | 940-692-4454 | 4017 Seymour Hwy | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
Grant Street United Methodist Churc | 940-696-1812 | 2800 Hollywood Ave | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Cro | 940-692-0860 | 3804 Seymour Rd | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
Highland Heights Baptist Church | 940-696-1015 | 3003 York St | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
House of Prayer | 940-763-2890 | 3200 Cheryl St | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
Lamar Baptist Church | 940-723-4371 | 1100 Harrison St | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church | 940-696-1253 | 4040 York St | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
Pilgrim Nazarene Church | 940-766-2137 | 1301 Bell St | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
St Benedict Orthodox Church | 940-692-3392 | 3810 Seymour Rd | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
The Door Christian Center | 940-723-5030 | 1525 Beverly Dr | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
Victory Ministries of Wichita Falls I | 940-767-2777 | 1100 Tyler St | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
West Side Baptist Church | 940-322-2862 | 1914 Buchanan St | Wichita Falls | TX | 76309 |
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