Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Wichita Falls, TX 76310
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Wichita Falls TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allendale Baptist Church | 940-692-8152 | 4650 Allendale Rd | Wichita Falls | TX | 76310 |
Celebration Fellowship Foursquare Chur | 940-691-0253 | 6305 Southwest Pkwy | Wichita Falls | TX | 76310 |
Cross Road The | 940-696-5100 | 4005 State Highway 258 E | Wichita Falls | TX | 76310 |
Evangel Temple | 940-691-5501 | 3800 Barnett Rd | Wichita Falls | TX | 76310 |
First Baptist Church Lakeside City | 940-692-7392 | 3384 State Highway 79 S | Wichita Falls | TX | 76310 |
First Baptist Church of Jolly | 940-761-0040 | 321 Mowery St | Wichita Falls | TX | 76310 |
Grace Presbyterian Church | 940-691-5225 | 5310 Southwest Pkwy | Wichita Falls | TX | 76310 |
Lakeview Independent Baptist Church | 940-692-6494 | 5206 Fairway Blvd | Wichita Falls | TX | 76310 |
Southwest Baptist Church | 940-692-0965 | 4608 Coronado Ave | Wichita Falls | TX | 76310 |
St Mark's United Methodist Churc | 940-692-0560 | 4621 Monterrey Dr | Wichita Falls | TX | 76310 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 940-692-9995 | 5800 Southwest Pkwy | Wichita Falls | TX | 76310 |
Western Hills Baptist Church | 940-692-6141 | 5107 Ridgecrest Dr | Wichita Falls | TX | 76310 |
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