Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Georgetown, TX 78628
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Georgetown TX should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bright Beginnings Preschool | 512-863-9503 | 1525 W University Ave | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Christ Lutheran Church Elca | 512-863-2844 | 510 Luther Dr | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 512-869-7617 | 2402 Sanaloma Dr | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Covenant Christian Academy | 512-863-6947 | 2530 Shell Rd | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Crestview Baptist Church | 512-863-6576 | 2300 Williams Dr | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Cross & Crown Lutheran Church Wels | 512-869-7729 | 3800 Shell Rd | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Faith Lutheran Church Lc Ms | 512-863-7332 | 4010 Williams Dr | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
First Baptist Church | 512-869-2586 | 1333 W University Ave | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Grace Bible Church | 512-863-3232 | 302 Serenada Dr | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Grace Fellowship Church | 512-863-7690 | 6600 S Lakewood Dr | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Lakewood Estates Baptist Church | 512-869-4715 | 6517 N Lakewood Dr | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Lifeguard Ministry | 512-930-3970 | 6611 Berrywood Ln | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Promiseland's Creation Station | 512-863-9012 | 2806 Mesquite Ln | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
San Gabriel Presbyterian Ch | 512-868-0902 | 6920 Ranch Road 2338 | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Wellspring United Methodist Churc | 512-930-5959 | 6200 Williams Dr | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
Worship Place The | 512-869-1310 | 811 Sun City Blvd | Georgetown | TX | 78628 |
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