Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Logan, UT 84321
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Logan UT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aspen Grove Reception & Party Center | 435-752-3951 | 860 N 600 E | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Bullen Center Carousel Ballroom | 435-753-6518 | 43 S Main St | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Catholic Church | 435-752-1478 | 795 N 800 E | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Church of Christ | 435-753-1919 | 240 W 200 N | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 435-227-0027 | 502 E 300 N | Logan | UT | 84321 |
First Presbyterian Church | 435-752-0871 | 12 S 200 W | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Full Gospel Fellowship | 435-752-0823 | 180 S 1000 E | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 435-752-1453 | 581 N 700 E | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Logan Golf & Country Club | 435-753-6020 | 710 N 1500 E | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Logan House Inn | 435-752-7727 | 168 N 100 E | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Maranatha Baptist Church | 435-753-1241 | 395 S Main St | Logan | UT | 84321 |
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