Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Logan, UT 84321
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Logan UT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A & W Family Restaurant | 435-752-2155 | 701 N Main St | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Bluebird Restaurant | 435-752-3155 | 19 N Main St | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Burger King | 435-753-0322 | 202 N Main St | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Casper Foods | 435-752-0085 | 4880 E Highway 89 | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Einstein Bros Bagels | 435-755-5773 | 130 E 400 N | Logan | UT | 84321 |
El Sol Mexican Restaurant | 435-752-5743 | 871 N Main St | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Great Wall | 435-755-0888 | 25 W 300 S | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Kamin Restaurant | 435-755-6543 | 51 W 200 S | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Korea House Restaurant | 435-755-9701 | 111 S Main St | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Le Nonne | 435-752-9577 | 129 N 100 E | Logan | UT | 84321 |
McDonald's | 435-753-3119 | 810 N Main St | Logan | UT | 84321 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 435-755-8060 | 1035 S US Highway 89-91 | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Painted Table The | 435-755-6811 | 132 N Main St | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Rice Garden | 435-755-9880 | 442 N 175 E | Logan | UT | 84321 |
Taco Time Logan | 435-753-9902 | 90 E 400 N | Logan | UT | 84321 |
The White Owl | 435-753-9165 | 36 W Center St | Logan | UT | 84321 |
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