Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Salt Lake City, UT 84121
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Salt Lake City UT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anchor Baptist Church | 801-272-9405 | 1880 E 5600 S | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2190 | 2150 Bengal Blvd | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2005 | 2327 Bengal Blvd | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2004 | 2561 Bengal Blvd | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2003 | 2925 Bengal Blvd | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2027 | 3455 Bengal Blvd | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2050 | 2895 County Rd | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2078 | 3625 Doverhill Dr | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-264-4094 | 1350 E 5600 S | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-273-3717 | 1830 E 6400 S | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2064 | 2522 E 6710 S | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2021 | 2695 E 7000 S | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2039 | 1435 E 7200 S | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2035 | 1845 E 7200 S | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2091 | 1834 E Creek Rd | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2038 | 6634 Greenfield Way | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2092 | 5695 Highland Dr | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-273-3700 | 6350 Rodeo Ln | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2060 | 6890 S 2225 E | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2065 | 7075 S 2245 E | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2061 | 7075 S 2245 E Rd | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2195 | 7530 S 2700 E | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2173 | 9575 S 3100 E | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2170 | 9880 S 3100 E | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2020 | 7035 S Nutree Dr | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2076 | 8100 Top of the World Dr | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-264-4019 | 1160 Vine St | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 801-944-2075 | 8170 Shorthills Dr | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Cottonwood Presbyterian Church | 801-278-4619 | 1580 Vine St | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Discovery Christian Community | 801-266-3600 | 5929 S 900 E | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Mountain Springs Community Churc | 801-944-9840 | 7136 S 1700 E | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Salt Lake Chinese Baptist Church | 801-943-8881 | 3009 Pineview Dr | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
Southeast Christian Church | 801-272-5256 | 1881 Vine St | Salt Lake City | UT | 84121 |
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