Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Midvale, UT 84047
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Midvale UT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bosworth Darin MD | 801-565-1162 | 9071 S 1300 W # 301 | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
Burling Kris PhD | 801-566-5494 | 8446 Harrison St | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
Charles Beck MD | 801-568-3480 | 8785 S 3590 W | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
Cline Jeffrey MD Pediatrics & Sp | 801-213-9400 | 7495 S State St | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
Highland Ridge Hospital | 801-569-2153 | 7309 S 180 W | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
Jensen Joseph D MD | 801-567-1400 | 7396 Union Park Ave Ste 201 | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
Jones Lisa Nurse Practitioner | 801-563-1975 | 8800 S Redwood Rd Ste Ste | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
Jordan Valley Hospital Physician Refer | 801-562-4223 | 3580 W 9000 S | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
Lei Paul MD | 801-567-9780 | 3556 S 9800 S | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
Salt Lake Women's Center Pc | 801-561-3922 | 10011 S Centennial Pkwy | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
Slawson E Douglas MD | 801-561-1100 | 3590 W 9000 S | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
South Valley Dermatology Cen | 801-569-1456 | 3570 W 9000 S # 220 | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
Vein Institute of Utah | 801-748-0580 | 1275 Fort Union Blvd Ste 118 | Midvale | UT | 84047 |
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