Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Payson, UT 84651
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Payson UT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anderson Cameron MD | 801-465-9263 | 39 Professional Way | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Bacon C William MD Orthopedic Surg | 801-465-2527 | 50 S Medical Dr | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Behrmann Gary L MD | 801-465-4877 | 1172 E 100 N | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Bennion David F MD Internal Medici | 801-465-4813 | 1120 E 100 N | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Bristow Dean L MD | 801-465-2511 | 50 S Medical Dr Ste 5 | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Cannon Max K MD | 801-465-1701 | 39 Professional Way Ste 4 | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Chipman S Bret MD | 801-465-1555 | 910 E 100 N | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Clark Robert B | 801-465-4896 | 97 Professional Way | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Elk Ridge Family Practice | 801-465-6100 | 1172 E 100 N Ste 11 | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Linton N Kent MD | 801-465-2575 | 1172 E 100 N Ste 4 | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Mountain View Hospital | 801-465-7000 | 1000 E 100 N | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Neurological Associates | 801-465-4800 | 50 S Medical Dr Ste 4 | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Payson Neurological Institute | 801-465-4866 | 1172 E 100 N Ste 12 | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Roberts David T Neurology MD | 801-465-6969 | 280 W River Park Dr | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Utah Osteopathic Medical Asso C | 801-465-9545 | 462 S 1240 E | Payson | UT | 84651 |
Wasatch Otolaryngology Group | 801-465-4805 | 39 Professional Way Ste 1 | Payson | UT | 84651 |
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