Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Chesapeake, VA 23324
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Chesapeake VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st Trinity Ame Church | 757-543-0516 | 1301 Elco St | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Antioch Church of Christ Holy Dis | 757-545-5673 | 601 Partridge Ave | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Bethal Assembly of God | 757-543-0513 | 938 Decatur St | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Bethany Baptist Church | 757-543-5887 | 2587 Campostella Rd | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Bethel Apostolic Church | 757-543-8524 | 3004 Campostella Rd | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Bibleway Holiness Church | 757-543-5354 | 2520 Dexter St E | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Cathedral of Faith | 757-545-0953 | 2020 Portlock Rd | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Chesapeake Av United Methodist Churc | 757-545-7481 | 1200 Chesapeake Ave | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Chesapeake Baptist Tabernacle | 757-543-8503 | 4142 2nd St | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
First Baptist Church West Munden | 757-545-5889 | 1541 Lyons Ave | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
First Presbyterian Church of South | 757-545-6266 | 1605 Bainbridge Blvd | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Greater Mt Zion Baptist Church | 757-494-3701 | 2201 Wingfield Ave | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Providence United Church of Chris | 757-545-8347 | 2200 Vicker Ave | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Raleigh Heights Baptist Church | 757-545-6280 | 1000 Crowell Ave | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Rosemont Christian Church | 757-545-4274 | 3505 Bainbridge Blvd | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Solid Rock Apostolic Holiness Church | 757-543-0998 | 1424 Commerce Ave | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
South Norfolk Baptist Church | 757-545-4505 | 1101 Chesapeake Ave | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
South Norfolk Church of Christ | 757-545-6605 | 2526 Rodgers St | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
South Norfolk Congregational | 757-545-0383 | 1030 Jackson Ave | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Southside Baptist Church | 757-545-5532 | 1207 Perry St | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
St Joseph Ame Church | 757-543-0948 | 1540 Atlantic Ave | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
St Timothy Church of Christ | 757-545-2301 | 2713 Campostella Rd | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Strait Gate Evangelistic Ba | 757-545-2277 | 1010 Hill St | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
Tabernacle of Faith & Trans Victory | 757-353-6200 | 2003 Brookland Dr | Chesapeake | VA | 23324 |
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