Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Midlothian, VA 23112
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Midlothian VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brown Grove Baptist Church | 804-739-3135 | 12816 Bailey Bridge Rd | Midlothian | VA | 23112 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 804-276-6114 | 10230 Hull Street Rd | Midlothian | VA | 23112 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 804-763-4440 | 4601 N Bailey Bridge Rd | Midlothian | VA | 23112 |
Countryside Christian Church | 804-763-0231 | 3509 Old Hundred Rd S | Midlothian | VA | 23112 |
Living Hope Lutheran Church Wisconsi | 804-744-8869 | 3909 Old Hundred Rd S | Midlothian | VA | 23112 |
Riverway Community Church | 804-744-8821 | 4942 Valley Crest Dr | Midlothian | VA | 23112 |
Spring Creek Baptist Church | 804-744-3689 | 11900 Genito Rd | Midlothian | VA | 23112 |
Swift Creek Baptist Church | 804-739-3001 | 7511 N Spring Run Rd | Midlothian | VA | 23112 |
Tomahawk Baptist Church | 804-744-3579 | 12920 Hull Street Rd | Midlothian | VA | 23112 |
Whispering Hope Community Churc | 804-744-5534 | 2803 Autumn Woods Ct | Midlothian | VA | 23112 |
Woodlake United Methodist Churc | 804-739-4535 | 6601 Woodlake Village Pkw | Midlothian | VA | 23112 |
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