Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Richmond, VA 23235
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Richmond VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem Baptist Church | 804-272-0597 | 9600 Midlothian Tpke | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Bon Air Baptist Church | 804-272-1475 | 2531 Buford Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Bon Air Presbyterian Preschool | 804-272-7514 | 9201 W Huguenot Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Bon Air United Methodist Churc | 804-272-2042 | 1645 Buford Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Buford Road Baptist Church | 804-320-2734 | 819 Buford Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Christ the King Lutheran Church | 804-272-2995 | 9800 W Huguenot Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Church of Exaltation | 804-272-5676 | 100 N Providence Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 804-267-1938 | 10660 Duryea Dr | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Huguenot United Methodist Churc | 804-272-6820 | 10661 Duryea Dr | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Lord Jesus Korean Church | 804-560-7500 | 10201 Robious Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Lyndale Baptist Church | 804-276-7249 | 8320 Hull Street Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Mt Nebo Baptist Church | 804-320-9638 | 1111 Old Bon Air Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Richmond Christian Fellowship | 804-320-4173 | 4424 N Huguenot Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Sisters of Penance of St Dominic Inc | 804-323-0033 | 8935 W Huguenot Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Southminster Presbyterian Ch | 804-276-1749 | 7500 Hull Street Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Stony Point Reformed Presbyterian | 804-272-8111 | 2330 Buford Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
United Baptist Church | 804-320-4437 | 8143 Forest Hill Ave | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
Unity Christ Church of Bon Air | 804-320-5584 | 923 Buford Rd | Richmond | VA | 23235 |
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