Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Hampton, VA 23663
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Hampton VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Big Horn Restaurant | 757-722-2444 | 1521 E Pembroke Ave | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
Bill & Marie's Diner | 757-728-0400 | 1981 E Pembroke Ave | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
Blue Marlin Restaurant & Lounge | 757-723-8003 | 1938 E Pembroke Ave | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
Hardee's of Mallory St | 757-723-1366 | 241 S Mallory St | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
Hat Trix | 757-726-0820 | 24 N Mallory St | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
Jack's Family Restaurant | 757-723-9660 | 1405 E Pembroke Ave | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
May Way Grill and Subs | 757-850-9200 | 2080 Nickerson Blvd | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
McDonald's | 757-723-3656 | 236 S Mallory St | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
Michael James Inc | 757-265-2304 | 2044 Nickerson Blvd | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
Paul's Restaurant | 757-723-9063 | 30 E Mellen St | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
Sarah's Irish Pub | 757-722-2373 | 38 E Mellen St | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
Sonny's II | 757-723-2710 | 1340 N Mallory St | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 757-850-0046 | 2022 Nickerson Blvd | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
Victorian Station | 757-723-5663 | 36 N Mallory St | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
Wanchese Fish Company Inc | 757-673-4500 | 48 Water St | Hampton | VA | 23663 |
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