Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sandston, VA 23150
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sandston VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Carter James L Rev Stdy | 804-737-8644 | 516 E Williamsburg Rd | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
Corinth United Methodist Churc | 804-737-4837 | 23 W Williamsburg Rd | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
Davis Henry Jr | 804-737-3392 | 1050 Nash Rd | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
East Gate Baptist Church | 804-737-0232 | 350 Cedar Fork Rd | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
Elko Union Church | 804-737-6789 | 6861 Elko Rd | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
End Time Tabernacle Church | 804-737-0537 | 238 Twin Pines Rd | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
Harvest Baptist Church | 804-737-5423 | 5561 Meadow Rd | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
Highland Springs Church of Christ | 804-737-1049 | 416 S Kalmia Ave | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
New Bridge Baptist Church | 804-737-7331 | 5701 Elko Rd | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
New Kingdom Christian Ministries | 804-737-1486 | 111 Stuttaford Dr | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
Oak Hall Baptist Church | 804-737-5812 | 1877 Old Hanover Rd | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church | 804-737-6471 | 3857 Rising Mount Zion Rd | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
Sandston Baptist Church | 804-737-2171 | 100 W Williamsburg Rd | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
Sandston Presbyterian Church | 804-737-1527 | 13 N Confederate Ave | Sandston | VA | 23150 |
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