Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Leesburg, VA 20176
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Leesburg VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel United Methodist Church | 703-779-7745 | 41799 Stumptown Rd | Leesburg | VA | 20176 |
Crossroads Baptist Church | 703-779-3637 | 850 Edwards Ferry Rd NE | Leesburg | VA | 20176 |
Elijah Gate Christian Center | 703-777-1359 | 115 Harrison St NE | Leesburg | VA | 20176 |
Faith Chapel Presbyterian Ch | 703-777-7836 | 14188 Chapel Ln | Leesburg | VA | 20176 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 703-777-4912 | 605 W Market St | Leesburg | VA | 20176 |
Leesburg Presbyterian Church | 703-777-4163 | 207 W Market St | Leesburg | VA | 20176 |
Leesburg United Methodist Churc | 703-777-2056 | 107 W Market St | Leesburg | VA | 20176 |
Loudoun Baptist Temple | 703-777-1336 | 412 Edwards Ferry Rd NE | Leesburg | VA | 20176 |
Mt Pleasant United Methodist Churc | 540-822-5513 | 13266 Taylorstown Rd | Leesburg | VA | 20176 |
Mt Zion United Methodist Churc | 703-777-6382 | 12 North St NE | Leesburg | VA | 20176 |
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