Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in Purcellville, VA 20132
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for Purcellville VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alexander Remodeling & Construction Ll | 540-668-7600 | 15647 Short Hill Rd | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Apple House Contracting | 540-338-5612 | 210 N 21st St | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Arcadia Building Co | 540-751-0321 | 117 N Bailey Ln | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Carpenter Construction Company of Va | 540-338-7906 | 17990 Tranquility Rd | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Cobourn and Clay Builders | 540-338-8134 | 131 N 18th St | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Crisak Inc | 540-751-0606 | 37174 E Devon Wick Ln | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Crystal Homes | 540-338-4541 | 129 N Bailey Ln | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
General Repair & Building | 540-338-5213 | 130 N 21st St | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
His Construction | 703-771-7000 | 38380 Aunt Marys Ln | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Keane Kevin | 540-338-9419 | 19525 Telegraph Springs Rd | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Keg Construction Corporation | 540-338-1522 | 146 N 21st St | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Mason L B & Son Inc | 540-338-2391 | 341 N Maple Ave | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Murphco Inc | 540-338-4700 | 115 E Main St | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
National Birchwood Corporation | 540-751-0202 | 18069 Telegraph Springs Rd | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Pioneer Electrical Contractors Inc | 540-751-0762 | 300 S 20th St | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Rpr Construction Company | 540-338-0990 | 37241 E Richardson Ln | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Staley Builders | 540-668-6700 | 36436 Charles Town Pike | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Sun Design Remodeling Specialists | 540-751-1360 | 18717 Lincoln Rd | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
T M G Construction Corp | 540-338-0411 | 18915 Lincoln Rd | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Tillman Landscape Services | 540-338-8990 | 37820 Deerbrook Ln | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Toll Brothers Inc | 540-338-0636 | 769 E Main St | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Toll Brothers Inc | 703-723-1332 | 230 Main St | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Tri County Construction Inc | 540-338-7766 | 300 E Main St # B | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
University Communities | 540-338-8100 | 108 Desales Dr | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
University Homes | 540-338-4467 | 194 N 21st St | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
US Homes Corporation | 540-751-0484 | 37928 Wright Farm Dr | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Washington Homes | 540-751-1199 | 37940 Wright Farm Dr | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Washington Homes Inc | 540-338-7001 | 37922 Wright Farm Dr | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
Zurschmeide Contracting Llc | 540-338-0023 | 104 N Bailey Ln | Purcellville | VA | 20132 |
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