Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Blacksburg, VA 24060
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Blacksburg VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Attitudes Bar & Cafe | 540-552-7001 | 900 Prices Fork Rd | Blacksburg | VA | 24060 |
Cafe at Champs The | 540-552-2233 | 111 N Main St | Blacksburg | VA | 24060 |
Custom Catering Inc | 540-951-8295 | 902 Patrick Henry Dr | Blacksburg | VA | 24060 |
Donaldson Brown Hotel & Conference Cent | 540-231-8000 | 210 Otey St | Blacksburg | VA | 24060 |
El Rodeo | 540-552-7807 | 623 N Main St | Blacksburg | VA | 24060 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 540-951-8926 | 830 University City Blvd | Blacksburg | VA | 24060 |
Maxwell's | 540-552-3300 | 1204 N Main St | Blacksburg | VA | 24060 |
Professional Catering | 540-961-9800 | 913 Hethwood Blvd | Blacksburg | VA | 24060 |
Sub Station II | 540-951-0001 | 112 Turner St NW | Blacksburg | VA | 24060 |
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