Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Norfolk, VA 23502
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Norfolk VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alzheimer's Association Hampton Roads C | 757-459-2405 | 20 Koger Ctr | Norfolk | VA | 23502 |
Builders & Contractors Exchange Inc | 757-858-0680 | 1118 Azalea Garden Rd | Norfolk | VA | 23502 |
Elks Lodge No 38 Bpoe | 757-461-6244 | 1231 Typo Ave | Norfolk | VA | 23502 |
Habitat for Humanity | 757-455-0050 | 5685 E Virginia Beach Blvd | Norfolk | VA | 23502 |
I A M & A W Dist 74 | 757-466-7665 | 5307 E Virginia Beach Blvd | Norfolk | VA | 23502 |
International Union of Operatinngineer | 757-461-4505 | 3 Koger Ctr Ste 123 | Norfolk | VA | 23502 |
Knights of Pythias Charity Lodge N | 757-853-9708 | 5341 E Princess Anne Rd | Norfolk | VA | 23502 |
Moose Lodge #39 | 757-466-8007 | 135 Kempsville Rd | Norfolk | VA | 23502 |
Navy Mutual Aid Association | 757-451-2490 | Norfolk Naval Base | Norfolk | VA | 23502 |
No Teamsters Local Union | 757-461-7172 | 5718 Bartee St | Norfolk | VA | 23502 |
Seafarers' International U | 757-622-1892 | 3rd St & Woodis Ave | Norfolk | VA | 23502 |
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