Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Portsmouth, VA 23704
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Portsmouth VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
AAAA Accident Attorney Assistance Avai | 757-397-7777 | 364 Crawford St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Appleton Randall E Atty | 757-397-4677 | 706 London St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Bangel Bangel & Bangel L L P | 757-397-3471 | 505 Court St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Barclay Robert C III Atty | 757-391-3140 | 200 High St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Berning Dale V Atty | 757-393-4093 | 500 Crawford St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Bilms Kevin P Atty | 757-397-6424 | 430 Crawford St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Bullock Martin Atty | 757-397-2800 | 801 Water St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Carr & Porter Llc | 757-393-6018 | 355 Crawford St Ste 520 | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Clark Law Offices | 757-399-6868 | 451 Court St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Cooper Spong & Davis Pc | 757-397-3481 | 200 High St Ste 500 | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Damelio Jennifer | 757-399-7541 | 419 London St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Demps J Edgar & Smith M Pllc | 757-399-5514 | 430 Crawford St Ste 400 | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Dobbins Denny P Atty | 757-399-2456 | 1 Guardian Ct | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Eric O Moody & Associates | 757-399-7683 | 355 Crawford St Ste 810 | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Gourdine Ann A Atty | 757-397-6000 | 115 High St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Griffin S Earl | 757-397-5297 | 1 High St Ste 300 | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Hawks James C Pc | 757-393-1110 | 320 London St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Holley & Massie Pc | 757-397-0003 | 422 Crawford St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Hook Andrew H Atty | 757-483-1707 | 521 Middle St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Joannou John S Atty | 757-399-1700 | 709 Court St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Mattox Richard D Atty | 757-393-0087 | 600 Crawford St Ste 320 | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Minor George Jr | 757-399-6389 | 539 High St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Patricia A Cannon P C | 757-399-0505 | 707 Dinwiddie St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Ringer Dianne G | 757-399-0909 | 600 Crawford St Ph C | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Tuthill Bartley F IV Atty | 757-393-6544 | 464 Dinwiddie St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Weaver Sterling H SR Lwyr | 757-393-0237 | 615 Dinwiddie St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Weitzman Elaine Atty | 757-393-0001 | 301 Columbia St Ste B | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
Wise Donald G Atty | 757-393-6051 | 218 London St | Portsmouth | VA | 23704 |
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