Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Portsmouth, VA 23702
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Portsmouth VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Roast Beef | 757-485-3577 | 4900 George Washington Hw | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Burger King Restaurants | 757-393-1118 | 4114 George Washington Hw | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Country Favorites Restaurant | 757-399-3400 | 3940 George Washington Hw | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Cradock Bar & Grill Inc | 757-485-2792 | 60 Afton Pkwy | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Gloria Santos Dba Gloria's Best | 757-487-0869 | 4507 George Washington Hw | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Hay Hing Restaurant | 757-399-0189 | 3404 Deep Creek Blvd | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Kfc National Management Co | 757-487-0742 | 5004 George Washington Hw | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Lychee Garden | 757-487-7597 | 5101 George Washington Hw | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Makeda's Fine Food Entertainment | 757-399-4905 | 53 Afton Pkwy | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 757-487-1958 | 2000 Victory Blvd | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits | 757-399-2060 | 3718 George Washington Hw | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Rally's | 757-558-2558 | 5105 George Washington Hw | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salsa | 757-485-9343 | 2040 Victory Blvd | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Tides Bar & Grill | 757-397-1700 | 3930 George Washington Hw | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 757-487-9339 | 5001 George Washington Hw | Portsmouth | VA | 23702 |
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