Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Richmond, VA 23222
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Richmond VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Souls Presbyterian Church | 804-329-6039 | 19 Overbrook Rd | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Apostolic Church of Christ | 804-329-9705 | 2404 North Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Church of Christ | 804-321-2479 | 3200 Dill Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Concord Fellowship Baptist Church | 804-329-1466 | 3005 Enslow Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Essex Village Community Church | 804-497-8105 | 213 Engleside Dr | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Eternity Church | 804-643-6200 | 1900 Chamberlayne Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Fairmount Memorial Baptist Church | 804-329-5420 | 4205 Ravenswood Rd | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Fifth Street Baptist Church | 804-321-5115 | 2800 3rd Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
First African Baptist Church | 804-329-7279 | 2700 Hanes Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
First Baptist Washington Park | 804-321-6645 | 720 Cheatwood Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
First Union Baptist Church | 804-321-9387 | 3510 Dill Rd | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
First United Presbyterian Ch | 804-321-5374 | 3401 North Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Frye Lester Pastor | 804-329-0628 | 3014 Meadowbridge Rd | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Garland Avenue Baptist Church | 804-321-1372 | 2700 Garland Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Good Hopewell Baptist Church | 804-329-2243 | 3801 Florida Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Grayland Baptist Church | 804-329-7313 | 2301 3rd Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Greater Refuge Church of Our Lord Jes | 804-321-1454 | 2210 Carter St | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Highland Park United Methodist Churc | 804-329-5439 | 3001 2nd Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Mt Hermon Baptist Church | 804-321-3475 | 2814 Moss Side Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
New Canaan International C | 804-329-1680 | 1708 Byron St | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Providence Park Baptist Church | 804-329-1963 | 468 E Ladies Mile Rd | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Richmond Baptist Association | 804-329-1701 | 3111 Moss Side Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
St John Baptist Church | 804-321-6691 | 4317 North Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 804-321-2427 | 2811 Fendall Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
Triumphant Baptist Church | 804-321-7622 | 2003 Lamb Ave | Richmond | VA | 23222 |
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