Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Richmond, VA 23223
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Richmond VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aldersgate United Methodist Churc | 804-648-8031 | 3006 E Laburnum Ave | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Asbury Church Hill United Methodis | 804-648-6690 | 324 N 29th St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Bethlehem Baptist Child Development Cen | 804-648-0039 | 1920 Fairmount Ave | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Bishop Memorial United Methodist Churc | 804-222-3986 | 3826 Nine Mile Rd | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Broadus Memorial Baptist Church | 804-643-6009 | 3700 Goodell Rd | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Carson Joe Rev | 804-737-5416 | 12 Bayard Rd | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Cedar Street Memorial Baptist Church | 804-648-8919 | 2301 Cedar St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Chief Cornerstone Baptist Church | 804-783-1800 | 1728 N 28th St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Th | 804-782-1908 | 1600 N 19th St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Eastminster Presbyterian Ch | 804-644-8898 | 1601 Littlepage St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Fairfield Baptist Church | 804-644-8769 | 1500 Mechanicsville Pike | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Faith Community Baptist Church | 804-649-7225 | 1805 Cool Ln | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Faith Holy Church Ccod | 804-788-0191 | 1022 N 22nd St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Fountain Baptist Church | 804-226-9657 | 3125 P St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Fourth Baptist Church | 804-644-1013 | 2800 P St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
From the Heart Church Ministries | 804-321-4824 | 2401 Byron St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Good Shepherd Baptist Church | 804-644-1402 | 1200 N 28th St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Great Hope Baptist Church | 804-643-5084 | 2101 Venable St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Hannah Fred A Rev | 804-643-7317 | 2311 Ford Ave | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Holy Rosary Catholic Church | 804-222-1105 | 1218 N 24th St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
House of Prayer | 804-222-8967 | 4711 Steeple Ln | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Jenkins William A | 804-737-5487 | 5807 Nine Mile Rd | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Jerusalem Baptist Church | 804-648-7999 | 2609 Selden St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Landmark Baptist Church | 804-643-7711 | 4000 Creighton Rd | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Leigh Street Baptist Church | 804-648-0415 | 517 N 25th St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Liberty Baptist Church | 804-343-1055 | 1420 Spotsylvania St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Living Waters Ministries | 804-737-7200 | 5184 Nine Mile Rd | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Mt Carmel Baptist Church | 804-226-1172 | 3200 E Broad St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Mt Sinai Baptist Church | 804-788-1977 | 812 N 25th St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Mt Tabor Baptist Church | 804-643-0903 | 2011 Fairmount Ave | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
New Light Baptist | 804-788-9027 | 2000 E Broad St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Pilgrim Baptist Church | 804-643-9244 | 1900 Whitcomb St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Richmond Hill | 804-783-7903 | 2209 E Grace St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Rising Mt Zion Baptist Church | 804-643-0715 | 2705 Hartman St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
S I Edwards Memorial Sabbath Apostol | 804-643-2425 | 2129 Ford Ave | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 804-648-0927 | 2420 Venable St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
St Stephen's Baptist Church | 804-222-1880 | 505 N 33rd St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Tenth Street Baptist Church | 804-648-5734 | 2300 Fairmount Ave | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
United House of Prayer for All People | 804-236-1000 | 926 Chimborazo Blvd | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Unity Sanctuary Church of the Lord Jes | 804-644-7730 | 1101 N 20th St | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Victory Tabernacle Baptist Church | 804-222-8540 | 600 Chimborazo Blvd | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Village Presbyterian Church | 804-222-2874 | 110 N Laburnum Ave | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Churc | 804-644-5830 | 1720 Mechanicsville Pike | Richmond | VA | 23223 |
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