Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Roanoke, VA 24014
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Roanoke VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Creasy Bryan Grimes Lwyr | 540-985-6619 | 401 Willow Oak Dr SW | Roanoke | VA | 24014 |
Cromwell James R Atty | 540-982-1220 | 204 McClanahan St SW | Roanoke | VA | 24014 |
Douthat James F Lwyr | 540-343-8136 | 3625 Ridgewood Ln SW | Roanoke | VA | 24014 |
Feldmann Mark E Atty | 540-343-0982 | 2932 Lockridge Rd SW | Roanoke | VA | 24014 |
Haley Gregory J Lwyr | 540-343-3067 | 2512 Carolina Ave SW | Roanoke | VA | 24014 |
King W Courtney Jr Lwyr | 540-342-4253 | 302 Robin Hood Rd SE | Roanoke | VA | 24014 |
McNally Neil E Atty | 540-342-5290 | 2531 Stanley Ave SE | Roanoke | VA | 24014 |
Ries Kenneth J Lawyer | 540-342-0638 | 3631 Peakwood Dr SW | Roanoke | VA | 24014 |
Rogers Frank W Jr Lwyr | 540-342-7103 | 3616 Penarth Rd SW | Roanoke | VA | 24014 |
Troland Charles E Jr Atty | 540-343-0821 | 2607 Nottingham Rd SE | Roanoke | VA | 24014 |
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