Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fredericksburg, VA 22408
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fredericksburg VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem Baptist Church | 540-898-5190 | 4700 Massaponax Church Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
Crossroads Baptist Church | 540-898-4574 | 4236 Lee Hill School Dr | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
Evergreen Church | 540-370-0565 | 11903 Bowman Dr | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
Faith Christian Center World Outreach | 540-374-1251 | 10606 Benchmark Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
First Baptist Church of Love Prayer Lin | 540-373-4944 | 124 Bend Farm Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
Fredericksburg Bible Institute | 540-898-5077 | 4430 Lee Hill School Dr | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
Full Armor Ministries | 540-834-2331 | 4716 Harrison Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
New Season United Methodist Churc | 540-834-4413 | 10703 Spotsylvania Ave | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
Redeemer Lutheran Church | 540-898-4748 | 5120 Harrison Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
Second New Hope | 540-898-9899 | 3836 Summit Crossing Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
Spotswood Baptist Church | 540-898-0757 | 4009 Lafayette Blvd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
Sylvania Heights Baptist Church | 540-371-6179 | 150 Church St | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
Unity Church of Fredericksburg | 540-710-1235 | 3607 Lafayette Blvd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22408 |
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