Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Spotsylvania, VA 22553
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Spotsylvania VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Christian Church | 540-895-0300 | 5542 Courthouse Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Beulah Baptist Church | 540-582-5667 | 5216 Arcadia Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 540-895-9417 | 9800 Post Oak Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Chancellor Christian Church | 540-786-4025 | 11409 Brock Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Craigs Baptist Church | 540-854-5284 | 14123 W Catharpin Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 540-854-4306 | 13737 Post Oak Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Gods True Worshippers Church in the L | 540-854-0231 | 6641 Lawyers Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Good Hope Baptist | 540-895-5273 | 5601 Courthouse Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Goshen Baptist Church | 540-786-7500 | 9800 Gordon Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Hebron Baptist Church | 540-895-9116 | 6431 Courthouse Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Mine Road Baptist Church | 540-895-5989 | 11111 Post Oak Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Olivet United Methodist Church | 540-854-8970 | 7676 Stubbs Bridge Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Shady Grove United Methodist Churc | 540-972-9202 | 11007 W Catharpin Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Spotsylvania Church of Christ | 540-786-6949 | 10609 Piedmont Dr | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
St Francis Catholic Worker West Inc | 540-972-3218 | 9631 Peppertree Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Sylvannah Baptist Church | 540-582-5826 | 8400 Brock Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Travelers Rest Baptist Church | 540-582-9713 | 6823 Partlow Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
United Pentecostal Church | 540-785-2840 | 11506 Brian Dr | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Wilderness Baptist Church | 540-972-7491 | 9701 Plank Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
Wilderness Community Church | 540-972-8808 | 10501 Plank Rd | Spotsylvania | VA | 22553 |
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