Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Fredericksburg, VA 22406
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Fredericksburg VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asia Cafe | 540-371-2227 | 840 Warrenton Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
Burger King | 540-371-3381 | 740 Warrenton Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
Chiang's Bistro | 540-373-9777 | 20 Plantation Dr Ste 123 | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
Emerald Restaurant Inc | 540-371-4447 | 543 Warrenton Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
Hardee's | 540-899-3117 | 567 Warrenton Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
McDonalds Restaurants | 540-373-0900 | 44 Stanstead Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
McDonalds Restaurants | 540-899-1985 | 766 Warrenton Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
Ponderosa Steak House | 540-373-5034 | 591 Warrenton Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
Popeyes Chicken | 540-370-1866 | 735 Warrenton Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
Roma's Cafe | 540-286-2470 | 1719 Warrenton Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
Subway at East Coast | 540-899-6352 | 626 Warrenton Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
Waffle House | 540-371-3925 | 580 Warrenton Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
Wendy's | 540-372-9476 | 588 Warrenton Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
Yak-A-Doo's | 540-899-5400 | 564 Warrenton Rd | Fredericksburg | VA | 22406 |
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