Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Virginia Beach, VA 23451
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Virginia Beach VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Angelo's by the Sea | 757-425-0347 | 2809 Atlantic Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Baker's Crust Bread Market Restaura | 757-422-6703 | 704 N Hilltop Ctr | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Barclay Tower Suites | 757-491-2700 | 809 Atlantic Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Beach Smokehouse The | 757-428-2281 | 600 Norfolk Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Bella Monte International M | 757-425-6290 | 1201 Laskin Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Black Angus Restaurant | 757-428-7700 | 706 Atlantic Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Coastal Diner | 757-491-0363 | 1710 Pacific Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Cobalt Grille Inc | 757-333-3334 | 762 Hilltop North Shoppi | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Columbian Club Knights of Columbus Cou | 757-425-9970 | 1236 Prosperity Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Croc's | 757-428-5444 | 620 19th St | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Cuisine & Company | 757-428-6700 | 3004 Pacific Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Daruma Japanese Sushi Buffet | 757-437-8511 | 608 N Birdneck Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Finehost Corp | 757-437-3886 | 717 General Booth Blvd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Finehost Corp | 757-437-1180 | 801 General Booth Blvd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Four Bays Ocean Grille | 757-425-9000 | 3501 Atlantic Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
G F Keagan's | 757-422-9545 | 1550 Laskin Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Gus' Mariner Restaurant | 757-425-5699 | 57th St & Oceanfront | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Key West Restaurant | 757-523-1212 | 725 Woodlake Dr | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Lesner Inn Catering Club | 757-481-1122 | 3319 Shore Dr | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Lynnhaven Colony Congregational | 757-481-2909 | 2217 W Great Neck Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
M & B Catering Inc | 757-422-3373 | Camp Pendleton | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Quality Inn & Suites | 757-428-8935 | 8th St | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
The Beach Bully Catering Rib Ho | 757-422-4222 | 601 19th St | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
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