Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Virginia Beach, VA 23455
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Virginia Beach VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anchor Christian School | 757-460-0024 | 3624 Dupont Cir | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Bayside Baptist Church | 757-460-2481 | 1920 Pleasure House Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Bayside Church of Christ | 757-460-4754 | 5025 Shell Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Bayside Presbyterian Church | 757-460-1188 | 1400 Ewell Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Brook Baptist Church | 757-464-0371 | 4397 Wishart Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 757-499-1572 | 4832 Haygood Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Christ Presbyterian Church | 757-497-3313 | 709 Aragona Blvd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Covenant Blessing Ministries | 757-747-8564 | 1628 Independence Blvd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Diamond Springs Baptist Church | 757-460-0761 | 5644 Bayside Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Diamond Springs Christian Churc | 757-464-5650 | 5612 Haden Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Military Christian Center | 757-464-0886 | 5632 Shell Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Morning Star Baptist Church | 757-464-3663 | 4780 First Court Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
New Beginnings Apostolic Faith | 757-671-7727 | 4633 Pembroke Lake Cir | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Old Donation Episcopal Church | 757-497-0563 | 4449 N Witchduck Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Our Saviour Lutheran Church Lca | 757-464-4315 | 4200 Shore Dr | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
Unity Church of Tidewater | 757-464-0772 | 5580 Shell Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23455 |
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