Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Virginia Beach, VA 23456
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Virginia Beach VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agapae International Church | 757-563-2175 | 2641 Princess Anne Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Campbell's Chapel Church | 757-721-3987 | 3252 Indian River Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Christian Chapel Assembly of God | 757-427-9371 | 2751 Salem Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Coastal Community Church | 757-471-6350 | 2800 S Independence Blvd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Courthouse Community United Methodis | 757-427-3272 | 2708 Princess Anne Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Dominion Christian Center | 757-467-2400 | 2159 Lynnhaven Pkwy | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Dominion Christian Center | 757-426-8803 | 2589 Nestlebrook Trl | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Emmanuel Christian Church of God | 757-721-5189 | 3572 Robinson Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Gift of Life Church | 757-427-0333 | 2329 Seaboard Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Grace Covenant Presbyterian | 757-427-6478 | 2228 Princess Anne Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 757-416-1407 | 2106 Salem Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Nimmo United Methodist Church | 757-427-1765 | 2200 Princess Anne Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Salem Baptist Church | 757-471-1649 | 4020 Ware Neck Dr | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Salem United Methodist Church | 757-471-2406 | 2057 Salem Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
St Michael Lutheran Church | 757-427-5088 | 2208 Princess Anne Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Tabernacle United Methodist Churc | 757-426-2396 | 1265 Sandbridge Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
Victory Baptist Church | 757-416-9521 | 4125 Indian River Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23456 |
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