Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Grocery Stores in Virginia Beach, VA 23451
* Each listing below of Grocery Stores Information for Virginia Beach VA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Atlantic Food Mart | 757-422-3437 | 1518 Atlantic Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
E Z Food Mart & Deli | 757-428-5151 | 1100 Virginia Beach Blvd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Farm Fresh | 757-481-6254 | 2110 Great Neck Shopping | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Farm Fresh 229 | 757-428-0344 | 521 Laskin Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Farm Fresh 708 | 757-424-0818 | 211-15 Providence Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Food Lion Stores Inc | 757-481-7480 | Cape Henry Plz | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Food Lion Stores Inc | 757-460-1786 | Lake Shores Plz | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Food Lion Stores Inc | 757-499-0852 | Newpoint Village Sho | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Food Lion Stores Inc | 757-424-1077 | Parkview Shopping Ct | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Fresh Market The | 757-491-0904 | 744 Hilltop North Shoppi | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Harris Teeter Inc | 757-422-4595 | 2800 Arctic Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Holiday Food Mart | 757-491-2550 | 909 General Booth Blvd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Prise Food Mart | 757-437-8381 | 904 Atlantic Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Quick Food Mart | 757-425-1368 | 2126 Atlantic Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Seven Eleven Stores | 757-428-2519 | 3908 Atlantic Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Seven Eleven Stores | 757-422-9350 | 1010 Pacific Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Seven Eleven Stores | 757-422-4275 | 2400 Pacific Ave | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Seven-Eleven Stores | 757-491-2161 | 901 General Booth Blvd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Seven-Eleven Stores | 757-491-1430 | 600 N Birdneck Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Seven-Eleven Stores | 757-496-0947 | 2256 Red Tide Rd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
Seven-Eleven Stores | 757-491-1017 | 300 Virginia Beach Blvd | Virginia Beach | VA | 23451 |
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