Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Burlington, VT 05401
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Burlington VT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aras Hair Salon | 802-651-6990 | 188 Shelburne Rd | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Bimini Bills Your Hair Resort | 802-658-0264 | 88 Church St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Burlington City Limits Salon | 802-951-4247 | 521 Shelburne Rd | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Cutting Club The | 802-864-3533 | 269 Pearl St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Four Season Beauty Salon | 802-864-6952 | 180 Pearl St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Gallery of Hair Fashions | 802-658-6040 | 15 Plattsburg Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Hair Fanatics | 802-864-5911 | 47 Main St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Hair Studio Associates The | 802-863-0007 | 162 Battery St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Homelike Facials | 802-865-3321 | 20 North Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
In Style Salon | 802-859-0077 | 12 Pearl St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Indigo | 802-658-2010 | 189 Battery St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Jac Huntley | 802-862-6762 | 121 Saint Paul St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
La Belle Coiffure | 802-862-8415 | 236 Main St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Mane Attraction | 802-863-6670 | 150 Saint Paul St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Metropolitan Hair | 802-864-0065 | 163 Pearl St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Nailspa & Tanning | 802-859-9898 | 570 Shelburne Rd | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Rapunzel Salon | 802-658-7883 | 13 Center St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Salon Capri | 802-862-0144 | 1115 North Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
South End Style | 802-859-3344 | 465 Saint Paul St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Statements | 802-862-9969 | 30 Church St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Tilly's Hair Den | 802-658-5812 | 77 Lyman Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Trade Secret | 802-651-5200 | 1 Burlington Sq | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Urban Salon Team | 802-862-1670 | 120 Main St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
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