Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Burlington, VT 05401
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Burlington VT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Catholic Diocese of Burlington | 802-862-8288 | 21 Dodds Ct | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Catholic Diocese of Burlington | 802-863-6837 | 100 Mansfield Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Christian Science Church | 802-864-4415 | 420 S Union St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 802-864-4709 | 196 Pearl St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
College Street Congl Church | 802-864-7704 | 265 College St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
First Baptist Church Abc | 802-864-6515 | 81 Saint Paul St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
First Congregational Church | 802-862-5010 | 38 S Winooski Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
First Unitarian Universalist So | 802-862-5630 | 152 Pearl St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
First United Methodist Church | 802-862-1151 | 21 Buell St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Free Methodist Church | 802-862-2541 | 76 Elmwood Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
North Avenue Alliance Church and Chri | 802-864-0501 | 901 North Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Sisters of Mercy | 802-658-5494 | 50 Fletcher Pl | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Sisters of Mercy | 802-863-8040 | 100 North St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Sisters of Mercy | 802-859-9649 | 35 School St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
St Anthony's Church Rectory | 802-864-0478 | 305 Flynn Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
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