Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Delicatessens in Burlington, VT 05401
* Each listing below of Delicatessens Information for Burlington VT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cobblestone Deli | 802-865-3354 | 152 Battery St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Henry Street Deli Mart | 802-864-1754 | 11 Henry St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Kampus Kitchens | 802-863-9105 | 273 Colchester Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Kerry's Pizza | 802-862-3238 | 249 Saint Paul St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Ling's Chinese Deli Inc | 802-864-3680 | 160 Flynn Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Merola's Market | 802-863-6728 | 1563 North Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Mirabelles | 802-658-3074 | 198 Main St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Oak St Deli & Mini-Mart | 802-864-4034 | 88 Oak St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Radio Deli and Grocery | 802-865-2288 | 77 Pearl St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Red Onion | 802-865-2563 | 140 Church St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Riverside Beverages | 802-862-5707 | 500 Riverside Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
The Kountry Kart Deli | 802-864-4408 | 155 Main St | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
Vermont Sandwich Co | 802-951-1652 | 2 N Winooski Ave | Burlington | VT | 05401 |
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