Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Essex Junction, VT 05452
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Essex Junction VT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aj's Kitchen | 802-288-8182 | 35 Main St | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Anthony's Restaurant | 802-878-4770 | 20 Susie Wilson Rd | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Back Stage Restaurant | 802-878-5494 | 60 Pearl St | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Bandit's Wings & Grill | 802-872-2803 | 137 Pearl St | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Butler's Restaurant | 802-878-1100 | 70 Essex Way | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Chicken Charlie's | 802-878-2525 | 74 Pearl St | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Cody's Irish Pub & Grille | 802-878-1543 | 4 Carmichael St | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Eclipse Grill | 802-764-5145 | 10 Kellogg Rd | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Jp's Restaurant & Deli | 802-288-8099 | 39 River Rd | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 802-878-5300 | 120 Pearl St | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Loretta's Fine Italian Cuisine | 802-879-7777 | 44 Park St | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 802-878-8722 | 106 Pearl St | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Ming's Restaurant | 802-879-3450 | 9 Park St | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Oriental Wok | 802-878-6688 | 21 Essex Way Ste 110 | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Powell's Place | 802-878-4989 | 120 Center Rd | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Ray's Seafood Market | 802-879-3611 | 7 Pinecrest Dr | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Sakura Japanese Restaurant | 802-288-8052 | 19 Tafts Corners Shoppi | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
Village Station Restaurant | 802-878-9090 | 12 Railroad Ave | Essex Junction | VT | 05452 |
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